Profit and loss tag distribution report

What’s new in version 22.1?

What’s new in version 22.1?

Tag distribution report

However the tag distribution by PnL can be accessed with filters and filter report a new tag specific report has been added. The X axis shows the name of tag and the Y axis shows the Pnl or Net PnL.

The Net PnL and Stacked Bars specific settings are available for this report. By ticking Stacked Bars the report shows the Profit and Loss separately in a stacked bar report. To open the settings floating window please click on the Settings button next to the filter icon.

Price range distribution report

The price rage distribution report shows the PnL by the the opening price of the position. The X axis shows the price range. The Y axis shows the PnL of the closing trades. The software calculates with a few predefined price ranges.

Other changes

  • Improved First Trade support
  • Bitcoin futures instruments added to the CSV based importer
  • Bug fixes